The 150-MHz, 200-MIPS TriCore-based TC1130 MCU built by Infineon Technologies packs motor control with a host of communication options. The MCU has an MMU, a two-cycle hardware context switch, and a four-stage pipeline with a 16-kbyte instruction cache and 4-kbyte data cache. There are 32 kbytes of on-chip program memory and 32 kbytes of data memory plus a 64-kbyte local memory unit.
Two versions of the chip are available, each with a 10/100-Mbit/s Ethernet interface. One has a USB 1.1 host interface. The other has a MultiCAN module capable of supporting four CAN nodes with 64 message buffers. Both chips have two high-speed serial and three async serial interfaces, as well as two high-speed Micro Link Interfaces (MLIs). The Multifunctional General-Purpose Timer Units have three timers plus one-channel and three-channel, 16-bit, capture and compare timers for pulse-width modulation generation.
The TC1130 runs Linux, Nucleus, and OSE. Starter kits are available with GNU and Tasking C compilers.