Universal MPG/Handwheel Simplifies Motion Control Apps
The MR190 Universal Manual Pulse Generator/Handwheel (MPG) emerges as the first MPG to offer both A/A’/B/B’ differential line driver and A/B pull-up quadrature outputs in a single unit. Allegedly, this eliminates the need to stock three or more handwheel models because of the non-standardized interface requirements of different manufacturers and models of CNC systems, PLCs, and teach pendants. The component provides 100 detent positions per revolution and outputs one A/B quadrature pulse cycle per detent or click. Its quadrature outputs tell the machine both the number of incremental steps to move and direction. Intuitive operation, tactile feedback, and ease of interfacing make the MPG suitable for use in all types of teach pendants, control panels, motor drives, position control systems, and instrumentation. Other features include a user-accessible DIP switch to configure both power supply options (5V or 12 Vdc) and A/B pull-up interface options (either Standard 2 kiloOhm or FANUC-type 330 Ohm pull-up resistors). List price for the MR190 is $199 each with OEM volume discounts available. MICRONOR INC., Newbury Park, CA. (805) 499-0114.
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