Mark your calendars for next month's International Solid-State Circuits Conference, scheduled for Feb. 9-13 at the San Francisco Marriott. Many sessions detailing techniques for circuit operation at low voltages will address the conference's theme, "Power-Aware Systems." Papers will describe 1.5-V sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters, a 160-mW MPEG-4 video encoder, and a 1.2-V, 72-Mbit DDR III static RAM. There also will be an entire session on sub-500-mV processing. Other topics will include multimedia signal processing, wireless communications, nanotechnology, clock-recovery, and backplane transceivers. Technical paper sessions will be held Feb. 10-12. Tutorials, workshops, and short courses are slated for Feb. 9 and Feb. 13. For registration and program details, go to For hotel reservations, contact the Marriott at (415) 442-6755.