“ThreadX With DAMs” For Cortex-M3/-M4 Delivers Remote-Update, Memory Protection
Express Logic’s ThreadX with Downloadable Application Modules (DAMs) enables ThreadX-based applications to dynamically run application code that’s not statically linked with the main system executable image. As a result, selected application threads can be packaged into a module and guarded by the Cortex-M3/-M4 microprocessor. Furthermore, it helps prevent unintended access from outside the module’s memory space and protects the system from any unintended actions of threads within a module. Because DAMs can be dynamically activated to provide additional functionality (e.g., on-demand reconfiguration and application updates for deployed systems), they help boost application functionality without added cost or additional memory. The technology enhances system security by enabling memory protection of individual threads or groups of threads. The kernel-module structure’s architecture is not typically found in RTOSs serving Cortex-M3/-M4 systems—it mirrors the structure more commonly found in large virtual-memory OSs such as Windows and Linux. A Module Manager interfaces with each module and fields all module requests for ThreadX API services.