Processor Works With Myriad Sensors Simultaneously
The SSP1492 sensor signal processor debuts as the market's only monolithic IC that simultaneously works with multiple resistive, capacitive, inductive, voltage, and pulsed sensor elements (both MEMS and bulk-based). It employs proprietary technologies that enable direct and simultaneous interfacing to a wide range of sensor elements, a pipelined 8051 microcontroller core, and up to 15 sensor input channels. Additional features include two hardware math engines and a software floating-point engine, a band-gap voltage regulator, SPI/I2C interfaces, RC oscillator with an external clock option, data EEPROM, and user-customizable firmware memory space. The processor is available in die and multiple-packaged forms. Unit die prices start at $3.65 each/1,000, and an evaluation kit is available at $395. SENSOR PLATFORMS INC., Santa Rosa, CA. (707) 543-8540.
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