IP Accelerates Wireless Designs

Nov. 9, 2004
The company has extended its AccelWare intellectual property (IP) libraries to include key building blocks for signal processing and wireless communication applications that promise to speed algorithms running on DSPs and embedded processors by 10 to

The company has extended its AccelWare intellectual property (IP) libraries to include key building blocks for signal processing and wireless communication applications that promise to speed algorithms running on DSPs and embedded processors by 10 to 100 times. The parametric IP provides a direct path to hardware implementation of complex MATLAB toolbox and built-in functions and can also be used to design entire DSP systems or to develop DSP accelerators. It corresponds to the MathWorks? communication and signal processing toolboxes and, because the AccelWare modules generate MATLAB, they are said to be at a higher level of abstraction than traditional netlist or RTL-based IP. This also promises to enable a greater degree of architectural exploration and market-specific customization. ACCELCHIP INC., Milpitas, CA. (971) 204-0150.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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