
Embedded Systems Conference: Preview Videos

April 23, 2010

The 2010 edition of the Embedded Systems Conference in Silicon Valley gets under way this coming Monday, April 26th. To get us started, Embedded Editor Bill Wong interviewed three companies prior to ESC: Analog Devices, Freescale Semiconductor and Cypress Semiconductor. In the first video, SHARCs For Medical And More, Bill talks with Satya Simha about some of Analog Devices' latest SHARC DSPs. In the second video, Freescale’s Tower Scales, Bill checks out the latest development platform from Freescale, the Freescale Tower. In the final ESC Preview video, PSoC for the iPhone and iPod, Bill checks out Cypress Semiconductor's CY8CKIT-023 PSoC Expansion Board Kit for iPhone & iPod Accessories.

View the Videos:

SHARCs For Medical And More

Freescale’s Tower Scales

PSoC for the iPhone and iPod

During ESC and the weeks that follow, make sure to check back to this page for Bill Wong’s reports from ESC, product write-ups, and to more videos straight from the show.

About the Author

Joe Desposito | Editor-in-Chief

Joe is Editor-in-Chief of Electronic Design magazine.


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