OTP µC Is Priced At Less Than 50 Cents
Offering 17 features and seven mask options, the 68HC705KJ1 one-time programmable (OTP) microcontroller is said to be intended for use in products that currently use discrete logic, that presently have less than an optimum µC solution, or that have been prevented from being developed due to high production costs. Among the features offered by the new controller are a 68HC05 CPU, memory-mapped I/O registers, 1240 bytes of OTP user EPROM with selectable security, 64 bytes of user RAM, 10 bidirectional I/O pins with software programmable pull-downs and 10 mA current capability each, and four I/O pins with selectable interrupt. The device can fill a niche where smaller, 1.2K of EPROM is required. Packaging includes 16-pin SOICs and DIPs.
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