Here we have some videos from the latest Embedded Tech Trends (ETT) conference that examine how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can be deployed in rugged environments.
Considerations in Architecting an HPEC GPGPU AI/ML System that Aligns to SOSA’s Goals
Open Group's Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) leverages open standard archictetures like VITA's VPX. Chris Fadeley, Chief Technology Officer at EIZO Rugged Solutions, highlights its impact on the rugged embedded market. The talk presents examples of AI/ML GPGPU systems (watch the video above).
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Enable Decision Superiority
The U.S. Department of Defense's (DoD) Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) warfighting concept tries to achieve decision superiority, and artificial intelligence (AI) plays a part. Timothy Stewart, Business Development Executive at Aitech Defense Systems, presents "the OODA loop and a Project Convergence Use Case (Wet Gap Crossing) to show how AI will enable Decision Superiority by reducing risk in this complex and relevant scenario."