Delivering a power density in excess of 1 kW/in.3, the B352F110T30 sine amplitude converter operates from a 330 to 365 Vdc primary bus to provide an isolated 10.3V to 11.4V secondary with an efficiency greater than 95%. The device can be employed individually or multiple chips can be deployed with paralleled outputs for higher power. It measures 1.28" x 0.87" x 0.26" and is compatible with standard pick-and-place, surface-mount machinery and assembly processes. It also provides flexible thermal management through its low junction-to-case and junction-to-board thermal resistance. The B352F110T30 is priced at $37.40 each in OEM quantities. VICOR CORP., Andover, MA. (800) 735-6200.
Company: VICOR CORP.
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