LCD Panel Maximizes Active Area For Handheld Displays

Sept. 30, 2002
The LM5575 dot-matrix graphic display applies the popular 64- by 126-pixel display format to an LCD panel measuring 93 by 56 mm. It's based on ultra-low-resistance indium-tin-oxide (ITO) glass technology. This material provides the electrical paths...

The LM5575 dot-matrix graphic display applies the popular 64- by 126-pixel display format to an LCD panel measuring 93 by 56 mm. It's based on ultra-low-resistance indium-tin-oxide (ITO) glass technology. This material provides the electrical paths needed to switch the display's 8064 pixels. Individual pixels measure 0.67 by 61 mm. The self-contained module uses high-contrast FSTN technology to ease readability. It incorporates an on-chip display driver (the SED1575), on-board RAM, and a dc-dc converter to provide the necessary voltage supplies to drive the screen. All of these features are implemented using TAB construction, giving the module an overall thickness of just 2 mm. This construction also allows a direct plug-in to a zero-insertion-force connector, eliminating the more difficult hot bar solder operation. The display operates with a typical current demand of only 50 µA. The LM5575 display starts at $26 in 1000-piece quantities. Delivery is from stock to 10 weeks.

Densitron Corp.; (562) 941-5000

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