Targeting high-end systems and designed to withstand demanding environs, the low-power Jaguar and extended-temperature-range Jaguar PC/104+ modules support Celeron processors running at speeds up to 350 MHz. Both cards measure 3.9" x 3.7" and include 10/100 Ethernet, AGP video and flat-panel support, industrial I/O, disk-on-chip support, and transient voltage suppressors on I/O ports. Capable of operating in temperatures from 0°C to 60°C, the low-power Jaguar dissipates 38% less power than a Pentium III equivalent. The extended-temperature Jaguar is rated for operation from -40°C to +85°C. Other features common to both modules include latching I/O connectors, watchdog timers, voltage sensing reset circuits, industrial batteries, and self-resetting fuses for keyboard and mouse power. The extended-temperature board is available from stock and has a starting price of $1,050 in OEM quantities. For more details, call VERSALOGIC CORP., Eugene, OR. (800) 824-3163.
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