Flash-Based, 16-bit DSPs Target Motor-Control Systems
Aspiring to stay competitive in the emerging digital motor-control sector, Motorola has expanded its 8-bit MCU portfolio with four new 40-MIPS high-performance digital signal processors (DSPs). Based on the company's DSP56800 16-bit fixed-point core, models in the DSP56F80x series include a flexible set of peripherals that are specific to motor-control needs.
The DSP56F80x line boasts several key features, such as 16-bit general purpose timers, a computer-operating-properly (COP) watchdog timer, and quadrature decoders. These DSPs also come with advanced pulse-width modulation (PWM), analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and a scalable controller area network (CAN). Serial communication and peripheral interfaces, along with programmable and data flash memories, are included as well.
This optimized family merges the traditional control functions of an MCU with the horsepower of a DSP. Additionally, it combines this processing power with motor-specific functions to enable solutions ranging from simple open-loop systems to advanced closed-loop designs. The four initial members of the series are tailored for digital control of various motor types.
The on-board flash and RAM memories distinguish the individual devices. For instance, the 56F801 has 8 kwords of program flash and 1 kword of program RAM. At the upper end of the line, the 56F807 offers 64 kwords of program flash and 2 kwords of program RAM. Likewise, the 56F803 and 56F805 both feature 32 kwords of program flash and 512 words of program RAM. Motorola provided for on-chip data memory, too. The 56F801 incorporates 1 kword each of data flash and data RAM, and the 56F807 supplies 8 kwords of data flash and 4 kwords of data RAM.
All four DSPs come with 2 kwords of bootflash for field upgrades and for booting directly from the flash. The 56F807 implements a quad 4-multiplexed input 12-bit ADC, whereas the others provide dual versions of the multiplexed 12-bit ADC. Furthermore, the 56F805 and -807 include two PWM modules with six outputs from each module, while the 56F801 and -803 have a single six-channel PWM module.
Available in 100- and 144-pin LQFPs, the 56F803 and 56F805 are sampling now. Production is slated for the fourth quarter. The 56F801 comes in a 48-lead LQFP, and the 56F807 is housed in a 160-lead LQFP. Both will be sampled next quarter. Motorola also offers evaluation modules containing the part, peripheral expansion connectors, external memory, and a CAN interface.
Motorola Inc., Semiconductor Products Sector, M.S. # EL518, 2100 E. Elliot Rd., Tempe, AZ 85284; (800) 521-6274; www.motorola.com/semiconductors.