Designed to supply a system with fault tolerance in its network connectivity, the PMC FA2 dual-redundant, fibre channel PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) adapter incorporates parallel paths through the transceivers and cable plant. This feature is capable of automatically switching to the alternative, available channel in the event of a failure. The board is capable of transfer rates up to 200 MB/s and supports Class 2 and Class 3 communications over all fibre channel topologies. Using specialized fibre channel technology developed by the Fairchild Defense Division of Orbital Sciences, the active transceivers pass military EMC tests while transmitting at 1 GHz over 70 feet of cable. For air-cooled environments, the board is supplied with either copper or optical interfaces that comply with ANSI specifications. Conduction-cooled versions come with a copper interface that can be fitted to standard conduction-cooled, VITA 20, PowerPCs. Driver software includes SCSI, IP and low-latency protocols and connectivity to switched fabric, arbitrated loop, and point-to-point topologies. Pricing starts at $2,700 with delivery from 10 to 12 weeks ARO.