The Device Server Technology Network Interface (DSTni) contains the essential hardware components for enabling network connectivity, allowing devices to be remotely monitored and controlled over the Internet or shared networks. Manufacturers can build their devices around a single chip solution when embedding network or Internet connectivity into lighting control systems, alarm systems, home entertainment equipment, factory floor equipment, and just about any other type of electronic device.
Offered in a 12 mm x 12 mm BGA package, the device comes with a complete suite of on-chip peripheral hardware to reduce integration risk and a 96-Mhz processor that is claimed to support the most advanced applications. Also integrated on the chip are two 10/100 Ethernet media access controllers (MACs) and an integrated physical layer (PHY).
Additional interfaces include four high-speed serial ports, CANBUS, SPI, I2C, and parallel I/O. In support of DSTni, an OEM developers' kit that contains a reference design board and a complete suite of network-enabling software is available. The software kit includes a real time operating system (RTOS), TCP/IP protocol stack, Web server, and a complete set of C libraries and sample source code. Price, including the embedded software environment is expected to be $20 to $25 each.