Offered as an aid for implementing the company's 16-bit dsPIC digital-signal controllers (DSCs), a development system infrastructure includes 19 tools that consist of a series of software tools, high-level libraries, application designs, and development boards. Software includes the MPLAB integrated development environment, MPLAB in-circuit debugger 2 (ICD 2), and a device programmer. Additional software tools include the MPLAB visual device initializer (VDI) and three real-time operating systems from CMX. Application development tools include the digital filter design and its companion dsPICworks visual algorithm analyzer. Additionally, four development boards are provided for prototyping. These include the dsPICDEM starter demonstration board that allows users to validate a development idea using 144 KB of flash memory found in the dsPIC30F6012. For pricing, call MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC., Chandler, AZ. (888) 628-6247.
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