Introduced as the first RoHS-compliant, low-profile PCI digital I/O adapter, the PIO-24.LPCI provides an interface to industry-standard solid-state relay racks. Designed for compatibility with legacy and current computer systems, the board is MD1 low-profile and universal bus compatible (3.3V or 5V). It provides 24 channels of TTL I/O, selectable as inputs or outputs in 8-bit groups. Each group can be configured to generate an interrupt for status monitoring applications. The adapter comes with a 40" ribbon cable that terminates to a 50-pin IDC connector, which is compatible with most solid-state relay racks. Identified by part number 8018-RoHS, price for the PIO-24.LPCI is $219 each in low volume quantities. A non-RoHS version, part number 8018, is also available. SEALEVEL SYSTEMS INC., Liberty, SC. (864) 843-4343.
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