Developers of monitors and display systems for PCs and digital televisions can simplify their designs with a new video digitizer A/D converter. Software programmable to accept either analog component TV or PC graphics input signals, the THS8083 ADC offers a highly integrated analog front end, as well as a fully digital phase-locked-loop with integrated loop filter for line-locked clock generation. The 3.3V digitizer has three eight-bit ADC channels capable of digitizing all 18 ATSC digital TV analog component video formats, including 1080I and 720P, and PC graphics formats up to XGA (1024 x 768) resolution. Each ADC channel consists of a programmable clamp circuit and gain amplifier (PGA) for brightness and contrast control. The PGA scales input video signals from 0.4VP-P to 1.2VP-P to the full-scale ADC input range within a 1 LSB resolution. An 80 Msamples/s version of the THS8083 is available now for $12 each/1000.