Installable as a stand-alone unit or wall mounted, the Vitrine multiple-display unit supports up to six TFT LCDs for indoor-advertising or customer-information applications. It employs the company’s Windows-based ArtistaControlCenter software in conjunction with ArtistaUSB or ArtistaNET (LAN) controllers for programming from any standard PC. One static image or a sequence of images as a slide show can be individually assigned to each display. The duration of each image is settable from 100 ms to 24 hours. Measuring 50.75" x 25.91" with a 3.94" deep mounting base, the unit is completely solid-state with no moving parts, such as hard disk drives or fans, and is maintenance-free. Single-unit price for a base model Vitrine with six 12.1” SVGA-resolution TFT LCDs in a 2x3 format is $9,100. For more details, contact Richard McKay at APOLLO DISPLAY TECHNOLOGIES LLC, Ronkonkoma, NY. (631) 580-4360.
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