Now available in production volume, the OV7710 0.25-in., all-digital CameraChip sensor suits a wide range of automotive vision systems including display-based and signal processing applications. The device incorporates a 640 x 480 pixel image array and is capable of operating at rates up to 30 fps. It features a dual static overlay function enabling on-screen reference frames and guiding systems for rear view and parking assist cameras and complex algorithms to cancel fixed-pattern noise, eliminate smearing, and reduce blooming. Additionally, the device meets all currently existing automotive-market requirements in terms of performance and reliability, and operates over an extended temperature range from -40ºC to +105ºC. Other features include low power consumption, progressive scanning, external frame-sync (Genlock) capability, and support for both 10-bit raw data and eight-bit YUV/RGB outputs. A black and white version is also available (OV7211). OMNIVISION TECHNOLOGIES INC., Sunnyvale, CA. (408) 542-3000.
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