With an eye fixed on the skyrocketing increase in signal speeds, such as are encountered in the latest generations of communications and Internet products, Tektronix has tapped SiGe semiconductor and other technologies to develop a new family of digital phosphor oscilloscopes (DPOs). The scopes can analyze these super high speed signals, while simultaneously offering operational simplicity and easy connectivity. Claimed to be the world's fastest real-time scope, the TDS7000 Series of DPOs boasts a maximum bandwidth of 4 GHz, a maximum sampling rate of 20 GS/s and a maximum record length of 32 MB.
Impressive advances have also been made on the signal-capture-rate front: the new DPOs can capture up to 500,000 waveforms/s-- more than double the previous rate-- which reportedly will enable engineers to gain insight into signal behavior never before seen with digital scopes. For example, the scopes increase the probability of spotting signal integrity problems that occur in digital systems, such as jitter, glitches and transition errors.
Other features of TDS7000 DPOs include an intuitive GUI, a 10.4" touch-sensitive display, a USB port, and unrestricted access to Windows-compatible software and hardware, coupled with network connectivity. Price ranges from $18,000 to $60,000.