The mSATA mini, the latest in ATP’s NAND Flash product family, follows the JEDEC specification of MO-300B with half the length of the mSATA modules. The industrial grade, SLC-based devices provides life endurance of more than 1200 TBytes of total bytes written. The mSATA mini has minimal power usage, small footprint, and fast boot up, enabling it for handheld cameras and radios, embedded appliances, digital signage, IPCs, and networking and military ruggedized PCs. A new PowerProtector package guards against the possibility of an unstable power supply and provides more power to the controller to flush the data into the flash ICs once a power outage is detected. It is available in densities ranging from 4 G to 32 GB and comes with real-time full disk encryption (FDE) with advanced encryption standard AES 128/256 for security.