“Photographer”: Technology and Technique of the Image

March 18, 2024
“Photographer” from National Geographic explains the blend of art and technology by some of the world’s most prominent wildlife photographers.

What you'll learn:

  • Types of cameras and equipment used in the series.
  • The blend of photographic technologies that create the sophisticated imagery.


National Geographic's TV show "Photographer" presents a fascinating intersection of art and technology, offering a deep dive into the cutting-edge tools and techniques employed by some of the world's leading photographers. The series serves as a study of how technological innovation is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in photography, blending creativity with precision engineering.

The show meticulously details the equipment used in various photographic disciplines—from rugged digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras and mirrorless cameras capable of capturing stunning detail in extreme conditions, to sophisticated drones and remote sensors that offer new perspectives and accessibility to remote locations. The emphasis on gear isn’t just about showcasing the latest gadgets, but illustrating how these tools are extensions of the photographers' vision, enabling them to capture images that were once beyond reach.

Advanced Technology—Imaging and Time-Lapse Photography

One of the standout aspects of "Photographer" is its exploration of imaging technology. High-resolution sensors, expansive dynamic range, and low-light capabilities are discussed in the context of their importance in capturing detailed and evocative images. The series also delves into the software side, showing post-processing techniques in programs like Adobe Lightroom, which enable photographers to refine and enhance their images.

The integration of technology with traditional photography techniques is another key theme. For instance, the show explores the use of time-lapse photography to visualize changes over time in landscapes, wildlife migrations, or urban settings. Similarly, it highlights the use of underwater housings and scuba gear in marine photography, offering glimpses into the aquatic world that few get to see firsthand.

"Photographer" doesn’t shy away from the challenges and limitations of current photographic technology, addressing issues such as battery life in cold environments, the weight and portability of equipment on remote shoots, and the ethical considerations of drone photography. These discussions are particularly engaging for an engineering audience, as they underscore ongoing areas for innovation and improvement in the field.

Photo Future

The series provides insight into the future of photography, touching on emerging technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for immersive storytelling, artificial intelligence (AI) for image sorting and editing, and the potential of quantum sensors that could revolutionize low-light photography. These peeks into the future are both inspiring and a call to action for engineers and technologists to continue advancing the field.

National Geographic's "Photographer" is a compelling watch for engineers and technologists interested in photography, and, of course, wildlife. The show offers a unique perspective on how cutting-edge tools and techniques are employed in the service of storytelling, capturing the beauty of our world in unprecedented ways. It celebrates not only the art of photography, but the engineering ingenuity behind it, highlighting the collaborative dance between creativity and technology.

Photographer” premieres today, Monday the 18th, on National Geographic via Disney+ and Hulu.

Check out the official trailer:

About the Author

Cabe Atwell | Technology Editor, Electronic Design

Cabe is a Technology Editor for Electronic Design. 

Engineer, Machinist, Maker, Writer. A graduate Electrical Engineer actively plying his expertise in the industry and at his company, Gunhead. When not designing/building, he creates a steady torrent of projects and content in the media world. Many of his projects and articles are online at element14 & SolidSmack, industry-focused work at EETimes & EDN, and offbeat articles at Make Magazine. Currently, you can find him hosting webinars and contributing to Electronic Design and Machine Design.

Cabe is an electrical engineer, design consultant and author with 25 years’ experience. His most recent book is “Essential 555 IC: Design, Configure, and Create Clever Circuits

Cabe writes the Engineering on Friday blog on Electronic Design. 

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