Ethernet Alliance

Beaverton, OR 97006


About Ethernet Alliance

The Ethernet Alliance is a global, non-profit, industry consortium of member organizations that are dedicated to the continued success and advancement of Ethernet technologies.


3855 SW 153rd Drive
Beaverton, OR 97006

More Info on Ethernet Alliance

The Ethernet Alliance is a global, non-profit, industry consortium of member organizations that are dedicated to the continued success and advancement of Ethernet technologies.

We are the voice of Ethernet, the bridge between the standards and the end users.  We work to advance the adoption and use of Ethernet technologies across markets.

Our members include system and component vendors, industry experts, and university and government professionals. Ethernet Alliance members work together to take Ethernet standards to the marketplace. They support and originate activities that span from incubation of new Ethernet technologies to interoperability testing to demonstrations to education.

Articles & News


How Emerging Ethernet Standards Will Propel Hyperscale Data Centers and ML Apps

Feb. 11, 2025
This article takes a deep dive into Ethernet standards development and how these projects are enabling next-generation networks.
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The Voices of Ethernet

June 30, 2023
A video series from the Ethernet Alliance on the history and movers in the Ethernet industry.
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Ethernet at 50: Exploring Its Past, Present, and Future

June 27, 2023
Ethernet celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. This article covers the rich history of Ethernet and what lies ahead with this ubiquitous technology.
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The “Interoperability Inside” Logo

Feb. 10, 2020
The Ethernet Alliance’s Gen2 Certification Program delivers Power over Ethernet standards and interoperability, and ultimately helps improve ROI.

Videos & Resources

TEF 2024: Ethernet Evolution: Powering High-Speed AI Connections

Ethernet in the Age of AI

Jan. 23, 2025
Check out the presentations from the 2024 Technology Exploration Forum.
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Voices of Ethernet: Paul Nikolich

Oct. 6, 2023
Paul Nikolich has been chair of the IEEE 802 Working Group since 2001. In this interview with Ethernet Alliance chair Peter Jones for The Voices of Ethernet oral history archive...
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Voices of Ethernet: Tony Jeffree

July 18, 2023
Tony Jeffree led the IEEE 802.1 Working Group for 14 years, where he played a major role in editing numerous standards. Jeffree describes the early days of working on the evolving...
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Voices of Ethernet | Rich Seifert

Feb. 20, 2023
Rich worked on Ethernet and co-write, “The Ethernet, A Local Area Network. Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specifications.”
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Voices of Ethernet | David Cunningham

Feb. 17, 2023
In 1987 David joined Hewlett-Packard and was tasked with helping develop a physical layer for a gigabit-speed network using single-mode optical fiber.
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Voices of Ethernet | Gordon Bell

Feb. 10, 2023
“We had two or three different networks that were in place within our research group but none that was exactly like Ethernet.” - Gordon Bell

All content from Ethernet Alliance

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Voices of Ethernet | Robert Garner

Jan. 10, 2023
Robert Garner worked at Xerox Systems Development, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Sun Microsystems, Brocade Communications and IBM Research.
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Voices of Ethernet: Geoff Thompson

Nov. 4, 2021
Geoff Thompson, part of the IEEE 803.3 Ethernet Working Group since 1983, started using Ethernet in 1974 at Xerox Research.
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Voices of Ethernet: Bob Grow

Sept. 16, 2021
Robert M. Grow calls himself “a latecomer to Ethernet." He is a former IEEE 802.3 working group chair.
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Voices of Ethernet: Gary Robinson

Sept. 16, 2021
Gary Robinson was part of the “DIX-group” that submitted the “Blue Book” carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) specification.
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Voices of Ethernet: Bob Metcalfe

Sept. 16, 2021
A video interview with the "Father of Ethernet," which is part of the Voices of Ethernet series.