Test and Debug Your Circuit Design for EMI Compliance (Download)
EMC compliance testing of a manufacturer’s product can be quite costly and time-consuming, especially if the initial submission of the product fails at the test house, leading to the manufacturer fixing the problem and resubmitting for EMC testing. One obvious solution to reduce compliance costs is to perform basic pre-compliance measurement(s) and debugging at the manufacturer’s facility before submitting to an EMC test house.
Conducted EMI Measurement
The Conducted EMI measurement,1 a critical EMC compliance measurement, can be performed fairly easily at the manufacturer’s location. Amazingly, all that’s needed is a basic oscilloscope and cloud computing.
As compared with a test house, the manufacturer’s facility will probably be a noisy environment in which to perform the conducted EMI measurement. However, the conducted EMI measurement is done at frequencies from 150 kHz to 30 MHz, where conducted emission is dominant.