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MIPI DSI-2 Features that Will Make Your Gamers’ Heads Spin (Download)

July 22, 2024

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The MIPI Alliance’s MIPI DSI-2 protocol is the most widely adopted interface for small-form-factor display panels such as those found in mobile phones or augmented-reality (AR) headsets. Originally optimized for mobile terminals, this display specification features ultra-low-latency and ultra-low-power operation. In this article, we describe how these features are combined with other high-performance options in the latest MIPI DSI-2 versions.

The MIPI Display Serial Interface DSI-2 protocol is a packet-based communication protocol between an application processor acting as the source of video and a display panel acting as a peripheral or a sink of the video. The panel typically has a display-driver integrated circuit (DDIC) that receives the MIPI DSI-2 packets and converts them to visible light on the panel.


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